Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight (the movie!)

Last night, Twilight premiered.

Since I work at the theater, some of my co-workers were able to tell me some interesting things about this premiere night.

Some die hard fans were waiting at the theater so early that one of the managers had to turn them away. The earliest that they let customers in was 6 pm. That's six hours before the movie starts. And I used to think I was pretty emphatic about this series, but apparently there are some who are crazy. hehe.

Any way, I arrive about an hour before the movie started and waited at the end of a line with every single other person who bought tickets. I thought that an hour before showtime was a good time... I was wrong. For a auditorium that seats approximately 480 people, about 400 of those people were waiting in line. And I was at the end.

Now on my review:

I really underestimated how awesomely amazing this movie would be.

Bella, I thought, could have been a little clumsier. Other than that, her character was perfect. She was protective of her mom and dad. And she was good at trying not to be in the spotlight. Her interactions with Edward were superb.

Edward was amazing. It was funny when he first was showed in the movie, every girl in the auditorium screamed. He looked perfectly dangerous and perfectly handsome.

The Cullens were perfect. Rosalie's character was most on point with what Stephanie Meyer was thinking. I can totally think of her going through the rest of the series. Carlisle, Emmit, Alice, and Esme was very awesome cast. Jasper's character seemed a little underdeveloped to me.

Bella's school mates: Jessica and Angela were amazing, just like the book. The guys, Eric and Mike, were in character.

Jacob was the movie star most in character. He looked the part. I could even see how he eventually change... I don't want to be more specific and spoil it though. ;)

Chief Swan was supprisingly more talkative and better than in the movie.
Renee was the same as Charlie but funnier.

James, Victoria, and Laurent were exactly how I imagined them. Especially James. And Victoria. And I liked how the movie ended with promise of the more.

Overall, the movie closely followed the plot. When it didn't follow the book, the script was recreated in such a way that it was still understandable. Stephanie Meyer put herself in the movie, which is something I would totally do if any of my books make it to the big screen.

I really really like this move. Even if you never read the books, I highly suggest that you see this movie.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Girl Crush

I was surfing through youtube the other day and I came across this girl with most amazing voice ever. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. hehe

Her name is Alyssa Bernal and I think she's from Texas. I'm not sure.

Here is a link to her video. In this one, she is singing I'm Yours by Jason Mraz.

Her voice is gorgeous! What do you think?

Monday, November 17, 2008

You Wimpy Baby!!!

I have a confession to make... I'm a wimp. Today the high for Atlanta, Georgia (which is where I live) was about 47°F and low is going to be 29°F. Right now, it's 40°F but "feels like" 33°F (it really feels colder). And this is how I dressed for school:

I was freezing!!

Side note: I totally bought that hat at Walmart for $6 after I had walked from my house to my car and realized how cold it was. And see how cute it looks *cough* Adiam*cough* ;)

Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the winter season. I'm to wimpy to brave the cold. Maybe I will stay in my house for ever... Or maybe... I will move back to Miami! Yeah, that's what I'll do. In the mean time, don't expect to see me outside unless it's completely necessary.
I don't know how you people any farther north endure.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The New James Bond Movie

*This post may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.*

Just watched Quantum Solace, the new James Bond movie, and I have to say that it was a very well made movie. My favorite scene was in the beginning when Bond was fighting one of the henchmen in a room filled with scaffolding. Bond, as seen throughout the entire movie, very nearly missed getting killed by the henchman, and at the last second with his leg caught in some rope suspending him just inches from the ground, he grabbed his gun and shot the henchman just seconds before Bond, himself, would have been shot. The choreography of the scene was stunningly done and continued throughout the entire movie. Although the plot was interesting, it was incomplete and left open for the next installment in the James Bond Saga.

Before you go out and see this film, I would suggest watching the first Bond movie with Daniel Craig entitled Casino Royal. I did see it but hardly remembered what occurred in it and wished I had watched it recently.

I give this one a 4 1/2 stars out of 5. But I do have a confession. Because of my young age and the fact that I live under the proverbial rock, I've never seen any other of the James Bond movies besides the two mentioned. Of course this hindered my ability to correctly review the film.

If you have seen it, what do you think of the movie? And if you haven't, do you plan on seeing it?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quick Funny

As you know, I work at the movie theater, and today was a particularly busy day. My manager comes into to the box office saying, "Ok guys, listen up." At first I think he's going to make an announcement about something trivial like kids 2 yrs old and under get in free or handicap people do not get free tickets. But instead, this is what he said, "I wish people wouldn't hold in their farts."

Every one froze.

What?!? Did he really just say that. Yes, he did.

He said, "Because then the fart just stays in there and it has no where to go so it travels up their spine and into there brain and then they start having shitty ideas and these ideas spew out their mouths and they stink."

I'm still not quite sure what specific event he was referring to but I do that that I laughed, and still am laughing, about this comment. It was so random. And so funny. Especially coming from slightly over weight a 40 something year old man who works in a middle school. Jeez.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

Hi guys!!
I miss you.
Anyway, after my long respite from blogging, I'm ready to start new again! I have loads of ideas and plan on posting every day!

So HektikLyfe tagged me in his blog The Silent Podium (check it out).

The tag rules are as follows:

1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag eight people and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

So here are 8 random things about me:

1. God is my Father, my Savior, my Healer, and my Protector.
2.I can't cook. I do have a good excuse though. My sister is an aspiring chef so I happen to eat very well. I just never learned how to cook.
3. I've been to London!! Actually, one of my life aspirations is to be able to travel alot. Someday...
4. I'm a sophomore in college studying to become a librarian or a teacher one day.
5. I like learning/trying new things.
6. I don't like chocolate. Some people see it as a crime, I see it as a personal preference.
7. My favorite foods come from opposite sides of the world: Chinese food and Mexican food.
8.I love to read a good romance novel... but not the ones with the gross sex scenes. I usually read Christain Fiction or Teeny-Bopper ones just for fun.

As I am knew to the blogging world, I don't know many bloggers but here are the ones I do know (besides HektikLyfe)

1. eizzy. k from My cipher keep rolling like a rolling stone & In the Middle
2. Sherra from Sherra Life Lesson
3. Miss Information from Miss Information
4. Ryan & Kristen from Hobo Teacher

That's all I have.
Until Next time, I'm just
Simply Andréa.

P.S. I just added the email subscription option on the left side of the blog. Add your email and you will get updates everytime I post!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Howdy to all!
I'm sorry about the delay in posting; but, sadly, I had, and still have, loads of school work to do and the work just keeps accumulating.

I worked all day Friday and Saturday at the movie theater which was awful because Madagascar 2 just came out and every kid within a 45 mile radius all decided to watch it this weekend. It didn't help that the movie was on the IMAX screen. *sigh*

Then, on Sunday, I helped my amazing step-Mom (I just call her Lola) put on a really cool birthday party for my now 4 year old half-sister Sasha. I promise to write more later but I'm extremely tired now and I still have a pile of work to do.

Moral of the Day Moral of Life: Don't procrastinate by doing more fun things like write on your blog or planning birthday parties instead of doing school work :)

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

iphone 3G

I only have one thing on my Christmas list:

iPhone 3G

OK, so my mom has a policy every year that she only gets my brother and sister and I one gift. I like this idea because we know that we are only getting one and the gift giving doesn't take away from the Christmas Season and what it's all about: Jesus' Birth.

Two weeks ago, my mom bought my sister a new phone because her previous one was starting to experience difficulties at the ripe age of two. Since my sister was getting a new phone, my mom also decided to get herself a new phone. While my mom was in her benevolent giving mood, I asked her to buy me a phone, all in jest. She took me seriously and said "maybe." You have to understand that to my mom, "maybe" is as good as "possibly" which is as good as "probably yes." My chances of getting a new phone were high. So I began thinking of what phone I would like to have.
Then I knew:

<------iPhone 3G

Of course I would pick the hottest phone on the market right now. What did she expect? "Oh mom, I only want this free-with-contract ugly flip phone that is clunky, barely has a signal any where, and has no internet." No. But now that I’ve picked out the phone that I want, my mom is trying to back out of it. I'm not going to let that happen.

So, I use my researching skills (I want to be a librarian), I looked up all that I could about this awesome phone and listed the parts that I liked here for my loving, wonderful, amazing, awesome mother to read at her leisure (but before Christmas).

10 Reasons why I should have an iPhone:

1. The 3G technology has fast access to the internet. I can check my email and even do a blog post all from this phone.

2. While you are on a call, you can access the internet. Let’s say someone is lost and they call you. You could get directions for them while you are talking to them.

3. It’s a iPod with a phone. Out of the lovingness of my heart, I gave my sister my iPod. Now I don’t have one. Instead of buying me an iPod and a different phone, you can just get me the iPhone and kill two birds with one stone.

4. The iPhone has video feature. I can watch TV shows, movies, or music videos on it.

5. It has a calendar with reminders so that I keep all my activities in order, especially since I will have two jobs next semester. The calendar also syncs with my computer for easier transferring.

6. The camera is the best photo-friendly camera on a phone and all my pictures can be synced to my computer.

7. This phone has a GPS system. I will have a hard time getting lost now :). If only it could remind me if I locked my keys in the car…

8. The text messaging is smart. It guesses which letter you want to text next and makes those letters bigger and easier to press.

9. This iPhone has sensors in it that detect light and adjust accordingly to save battery life. It also notices when you are on a call and turns the screen off for the same reason.

10. The price is reasonable for all the things that you are getting. An iPod + a phone + a GPS system + portable internet + a camera + a calendar= $199.

I didn’t put some other features on my list because then it would be too long and over powering but here is a quick list of some other cool things the iPhone has to offer: applications galore; latest technology; touch screen; headphones w/ microphone; audio conferencing; call holding; call merging; caller ID; visual voicemail; create your own ring tones; PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint attachments to mail messages can be viewed on the phone; supports wireless earpieces; and automatic spell check.

I really really really want this phone!!!

All the possibilities...

Just think!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

High School Musical 3

I'm really hesitant to blog about High School Musical 3 (HSM3), but I'm going put my embarrassment behind me and do it anyway.

The first High School Musical was cute. I only watched because someone was in the room or something... I don't remember. hehe
Anyway, for a movie that premiered on the TV, I think it did pretty well. I love musicals and this was a teeny-bopper cutsie movie. The cheesy dancing, the simple songs, the over-acting. I will admit it was way over the top but cute, in it's own way.

I watched the second one because of that distinct nature of us humans to want to watch sequels and whatnot. *ugh* It was not so great. I thought it was rushed and only put out there because the first one did so well.

Now, HSM3 was great. I've seen it three times now (only because I work at a movie theater... but that's another post for another day). I actually got caught dancing and singing at work when I thought no one was watching... how embarrassing! I couldn't even think of a good excuse fast enough as to why I was twirling around singing "All I Wanna Do, Is Be With You." (Here is a shady version to scene in the movie with the song---> Be with you.)
But luckily this particular manager likes me and probably thought that I already felt pretty ridiculous enough with out an admonishment.

In HSM3, the characters from the previous movies are in their the senior year and are making decisions that will affect the rest of their life. The main character Troy as to make the life changing decision about whether or not to pursue a career in basketball or the performing arts. He struggles with the choice as his father and best friend basketball and his girlfriend Gabriella wants him to follow his heart.

Side note: One weird thing I noticed about the movie was that everyone was drinking tea. It was a little over the top. I don't know what message Disney is trying to say. All people in the performing arts drink tea? The guy sitting behind me in the theater actually said, "what the heck is up with everyone drinking tea." Just thought that was funny.

Any way, the singing was better the the other two previous films and the dancing was OK. I like the fact that the movie was G-rated and still was enjoyable. I like the fact that it showed a glimpse of what important decisions you have to make about your life. My favorite scene was with "Rocket Man" and Sharpé. I won't spoil it but it was funny.

Overall, if you don't mind lots of singing and pointless dancing, see it. It was cute and fun for everyone.