Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

Hi guys!!
I miss you.
Anyway, after my long respite from blogging, I'm ready to start new again! I have loads of ideas and plan on posting every day!

So HektikLyfe tagged me in his blog The Silent Podium (check it out).

The tag rules are as follows:

1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag eight people and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

So here are 8 random things about me:

1. God is my Father, my Savior, my Healer, and my Protector.
2.I can't cook. I do have a good excuse though. My sister is an aspiring chef so I happen to eat very well. I just never learned how to cook.
3. I've been to London!! Actually, one of my life aspirations is to be able to travel alot. Someday...
4. I'm a sophomore in college studying to become a librarian or a teacher one day.
5. I like learning/trying new things.
6. I don't like chocolate. Some people see it as a crime, I see it as a personal preference.
7. My favorite foods come from opposite sides of the world: Chinese food and Mexican food.
8.I love to read a good romance novel... but not the ones with the gross sex scenes. I usually read Christain Fiction or Teeny-Bopper ones just for fun.

As I am knew to the blogging world, I don't know many bloggers but here are the ones I do know (besides HektikLyfe)

1. eizzy. k from My cipher keep rolling like a rolling stone & In the Middle
2. Sherra from Sherra Life Lesson
3. Miss Information from Miss Information
4. Ryan & Kristen from Hobo Teacher

That's all I have.
Until Next time, I'm just
Simply Andréa.

P.S. I just added the email subscription option on the left side of the blog. Add your email and you will get updates everytime I post!

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HektikLyfe said...

Cool! Thanks for playing.

2. My wife cooks very well so I am covered. I think I can make a pretty good sandwich.
3. I haven't been that far. I hope to get to New York one day.
4. I'm done attending college, but I'm still paying.
6. I only like certain chocolates and only in small quantities. Milk chocolate with almonds and/or caramel. ::PPPP Dark chocolate belongs in the toilet it came from.
7. I like SOME Chinese food, nothing raw. Mexican food is pretty good. Meats and beans, that's me.
8. Romance novels without sex scenes? So you would suffer the embarrassment of being caught with one with one but knowing inside that its clean. If they made sci-fi fantasy books without those terrible covers, I might read more of them.

Simply Andréa said...

>HektikLyfe:On the subject of Romance novels: I have read the novel where the sex scenes are tactful but those are few and far between. Mostly my thoughts are, if I wanted to read porn, I can do so on the internet. I like stories that have a good background, plot, and character development.

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