Thursday, January 22, 2009

la la la!

I love to sing. It's one of my favorite hobbies. My outlet is singing on the church worship team, usually as back up vocals but occasionally I get to sing a solo. For the youth, I sing twice a month. In the regular service, I sing when they ask which is not often. I also have made some youtube videos but that's recent.

My personal opinion on my singing is that I do it for fun. I'm not showing off or hoping to make it big one day. Just singing for fun.

Lately, many people who have heard me sing have approached me and complemented me on my singing. I always surprise them with the answer to their question about who's my teacher: ME! I teach myself to sing. I've always wanted lessons before but never could afford them. Especially if I just want them for fun. Seems like a waste of time for me.

But my mother's boyfriend, after he heard me singing Time to Say Goodbye on youtube, encouraged me to get lessons. So my mother obliged him... and me!

Tonight will be my second lesson with Catherine. She is amazing and I love her and now I want to sing forever! I enjoy singing more. I enjoy life more. I'm even starting to think about taking it more seriously. All from one lesson!

Wish me luck!

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1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck! I have all the faith in the world in you! Miss u much!

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