Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Trying New Things

I don't like country music. Never have. All those strong country accents singing songs about rusty trucks, favorite dogs, and loser boyfriends just isn't my cup of tea.

So why is it that when I heard Love Story by Taylor Swift I fell in love with her and the song.

Taylor Swift is really a talented artist and I highly respect her. She's beautiful. Her voice is beautiful. She's just a likable person.

I might have another girl crush...

I just got her new CD (it was released in November): Fearless. She totally stole this title from me. I was going to name my first album Fearless. *sigh* Guess I have to let her have this one.

Anyway, I like her music because it's somewhat innocent and it doesn't have an overpowering country accent. My favorite song is Beautiful Eyes which, by the way, is not on the CD; I had to get it separately. Totally worth it.

I encourage you to give it a try. You might be surprised how much you like it.


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HektikLyfe said...

I feel the same way. When people ask me what kind of music I like, I usually say everything but country. That's usually true, but I know that somewhere, someone's talent will eventually break through the stigma of their genre of choice.

I can't stand Britney Spears but I know that there is a small chance there may be one song of hers that I think is OK.

We can't really generalize people or their talents anymore. It is such an archaic way of living.

Simply Andréa said...

I know. Now I'm going to be more open minded about what I choose to listen to.

Anonymous said...

My Taylor LOVES Taylor Swift! You should also try Carrie Underwood.

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