Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Embarrassing!

So the lovely started a blog called Now on Video. It's a awesome blog where anyone can write their opinion on movies. Well, I thought Hey, that a cool idea. So I thought up a movie and wrote my first post. Except I'm stupid. and I didn't realized that the blog was only on movies that were only out on video not the ones that are still in theaters. Hence the name Now on Video... I didn't even realize this until I already posted and everything. Ugh!

Anyway, now that I'm thoroughly embarrassed, I decided not to let that post go to waste. Here you go.


Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik (Patel), an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much?

Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika (Pinto), the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show's questions. Each chapter of Jamal's increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show's seemingly impossible quizzes. But one question remains a mystery: what is this young man with no apparent desire for riches really doing on the game show?

When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out. (IMDb)


The things I liked most about this movie:

1.) I've never heard of any of these actors/actresses before so the story was easier to sink into without relating the actors/actresses to their other works.
2.) I like the idea of a nobody becoming a somebody. It makes me warm and fuzzy.
3.) I'm a sucker for a good love story. c:
4.) Even though it is rated R, none of the language or violence was unnecessary. There wasn't even graphic sex scene!

The things I didn't like:

1.) Nobody's ever heard of it!

I give this one a 4.5 out of 5. Great movie.

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HektikLyfe said...

Hey hey hey! Don't be so hard on yourself. Remember what I said about that blog? NO RESTRICTIONS.

It doesn't necessarily have to be movies that are out on video. I will be including some of the movies that we have also seen recently in the theater.

Please DO post that review there. :)

HektikLyfe said...

Oh and we HAVE heard of this movie. It will definitely be one we check out with your rave review!

Simply Andréa said...

Thanks! I will be posting that soon then c:

Anonymous said...

I read you review i actually went to go see the movie. I must say if it wasnt for you i wouldnt have seen it , and probably missed the best movie of the year.Its a rousing celebration of life, love and hope. As i saw the credits roll by , i said to myself i have to see this again.

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