Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Can't See!

Last week, while I was in down town Atlanta hanging out with my friends, we decided to go to a Premier Exhibit's Dialog in the Dark.

They're the same company who does Titanic and Bodies.

At first I didn't want to go because $25 is expensive for a spontaneous adventure for broke college students, but one of the employees (about our age) said he could get all 5 of us in for $50. Yup. It's only $10 per person. Of course, me being to only sensible one, I was completely against it. It was kinda shady, you know? I didn't want to be scammed and my money to be stolen.

Ugh! I hate peer pressure! Yeah, we ended up going.

Dialog in the Dark was a very cool experience. For one hour, we were lead around in complete darkness through different environments such as a park, a sidewalk, a boat, a grocery store, and a restaurant while trying to use our other four senses. The whole time, I was completely lost. The only thing I recognized was a kayak that was on the dock near the boat. I was also always the last person in the room. At one point our tour guide shouted into the room to see if anyone was still in there and scared me so badly that I screamed. Lame, I know.

One of the cool parts was at the end when we found out that our tour guide was blind! I kinda guessed it but finding out made the whole experience way cooler. He told us his inspiring story of how he became blind three years ago. While going to pick up his nephew in a shady park, he got shot by a stray bullet and awoke from the resulting coma three months later completely blind. He'd only been working at Dialog in the dark for three months, and he truly seemed like he enjoyed his job.

With exhibit locations all around the world, I highly suggest you visit one. It's a truly fascinating experience that I think every one will enjoy.

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1 Comment:

HektikLyfe said...

Wow this sounds really cool. We are in California though, nothing close to us. It definitely looks like something they would have in San Francisco or Venice. Hopefully it will come there soon.

Thanks for sharing that.

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